Wednesday, September 14, 2011

problem, forgiveness and realizations

First quater of 2011 was indeed a challenge to me. I been hotheaded due to flight cancellation, was almost irritated to a certain friend and the worst part??... a relationship problem...
yes in fairness... a realationship problem, but don't get me wrong I'm still a NBSB (no boyfriend since birth)girl. I was lied to, judged by and pulled down by friends whom I thought are the ones who would pull me up. And yes! I was damn angry with them. I was there to forgive, the one has the change of heart, but the other remained the same. And what's worst? when you are trying to fix things in their own story, you became the villain... when in fact your just a victim.
This is one of the worst thing that happenned to me. But what i realized, when someone pushed you down, God will never fail to send someone who will pull you up. In this situation I found true friends who are so supportive, not biased and are there to make you feel ok. I realized that there are more people who love you than those people who hate you.
In a way I am proud of myself that never did I have this revengeful feeling about them. But of course things already changed. Relationship with the people who wronged you changed. Forgiveness is there but also you have to protect yourself. I guess pulling yourself away from people that have a great tendency to push you down is a step for you to gain happiness.
Whatever reasons why these things happned in our life, God has the best answer. We might not understand it now but sooner or later we will discover His greater plan.

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