Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Aliguay Island Adventure

I love adventures… I love exploring… One day me and my friend went to a not so famous island in Mindanao… Aliguay in Dapitan. Before you can get there, you have to rent a boat or look for a resident who will go back home to the island with their supplies (we search for our banca ride at the Port of Dipolog) which is about 2 hours ride.

ALIGUAY ISLAND Photo taken from: girlfromdipolog

There is no fresh water supply in the island. But electricity is available. There are also resorts where you can relax and enjoy
the beach.

White sand… uns
poiled crystal clear water… not crowded… it’s a perfect spot for relaxation and of course picture taking. We also tried fishing… and voila!!! Not less than 3 minutes we already have our catch! That’s how abundant aquatic life is in the island.


To the rescue
Going back, we just hitched on a small family boat on their way to Dapitan proper to fetch their fresh water supply. The adventure??? The motor just stopped in the middle of the open sea. Exposed to Mother Nature… waves…the sun… wind… and salt… plus sitting uncomfortably on a bamboo pole, I think we waited for hours…. (That’s exaggeration maybe its just more or less 20 minutes). But when all the hope is gone (ok this is just a drama), not so faraway, there came a smaller fishing boat. Manong (?) { I never catched his name} hauled us until our motor started running.( In fairness ngayon ko lang naranasan ang ma-tow sa dagat. Ang saya!)
And the exciting moment doesn’t stop there, almost near the main island, it started to rain. Yes! After the sun exposure here comes the rain! So we have to cover up because the waves are becoming bigger and its just splashing directly on our faces. Then near the port, our boat passed under the bridge. But not just an ordinary bridge because we have to stoop down because the headroom is around 2 ½ to 3 feet I guess. I was just laughing the entire time we are under the bridge. This is really an adventure!

Well sometimes, you just have to go out of your comfort zone to experience things like this. I don’t mind getting into this kind of adven
ture when in return I have seen and experience a beautiful island we can call our own.

Sunset in Aliguay

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